
Blackjack tips, strategy, odds & more
Casino Blackjack
Blackjack is usually played in one of two places: a casino or online.
The rules may be the same but playing blackjack in a casino is very different
than playing it online. The main difference is the environment. The extra
excitement caused by other games, winning players and beautiful waitresses.
Unfortunately, the distractions caused by a casino tend to lead to larger
losses. Also, this atmosphere can be intimidating, especially to the beginner.
It’s customary to tip the dealer. This may be done by tossing the
dealer a chip and say “for the dealer”. You may also place
a bet for the dealer on the next hand. If you win the dealer gets double
the bet, if you lose he gets nothing.
If you are the type of person who is outgoing and sociable then you may
prefer to play blackjack at a casino. You’re overall gambling experience
may be more enjoyable, even if it happens to be less profitable.
The distractions of the casino tend to help you forget your financial
situation and encourage the development of superstitions. Some players
bring along a coin they feel is “lucky” and proceed to rub
it or hold it tight in an effort to increase their bankroll. Sometimes
this is easier than playing a strategy that requires concentration in
a loud environment.
Some people prefer this to online blackjack in the mistaken belief that
online blackjack is somehow pre-programmed and “fixed”. The
reality is that many online casinos who have been around for 6 or more
years are quite reputable. Their business would quickly die if it got
around that they were less than fair to players.
Casino blackjack has undergone many changes since it first came about,
most of which have been to the player’s detriment and to boost the
casino’s edge. One of the major changes was the introduction of
shuffling machines. The casinos tried to put forth the idea that this
was just a way of improving the game and speed it up a little, but it
didn’t take long for people to realise that it was just a means
to combat card counting. Nonetheless, blackjack has still remains one
of the two most advantageous games to the player, the other being craps.
These two games offer the lowest house edge among all other casino games,
one which can be lowered even more when played using the right strategy.
Played on a pretty simple table, casino blackjack manages to attract many
different kinds of players. Casino blackjack has been around for many
years and is a very common game among regular gamblers, the reason being
the favourable odds of course. Any individual claiming to be a professional
gambler should know the game of blackjack; it would be foolish not to.
Blackjack is a game that can be beaten if you know how to use the rules
to your advantage. Unlike many casino games, blackjack gives the player
the opportunity to make various choices throughout the game, which of
course reflect on the outcome. If you know which decisions are wise to
take and when to take them, the possibilities are endless.
